The internet is a global market place where anything and everything is available at a click of a button. Today, millions of users have access to the internet and therefore, it very imperative that you have a friendly search engine page including social media sites such as Facebook Fan Page.
Below are few SEO methods and tips on how to make your Facebook fan page more search engine friendly for individuals as well as those business entities that are dabbing into Social Media sites for marketing.
Increasing your visibility: Users can take advantage of the picture space provided by Facebook. Though, Facebook does not include background images however, their visibility and brand name will always be in front of viewers regardless of what page they are on.
Facebook fan page title: If you are opting to create a facebook fan page then keep in mind to create a title that is SEO friendly. Since fan pages are visible to search engines, it is important to have a title that best describes your entity keeping in mind the keywords used. It gets monotonous re-creating pages therefore, creating an impressive fan page with proper keywords and titles are very important at the very beginning. First impression is all you get.
Fresh Content: Major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and others frequently crawl pages including social sites for freshly added content and hence users should keep in mind that adding updated content and images regularly can help make your facebook fan page more search friendly.
FBML Customization: Users can customize their facebook page with FBML customization. This helps them to add additional boxes and tabs. Adding additional data increases the chances for better results in search engines. FBML customization reduces the amount of HTML coding that is required while keeping the facebook pages intact.
Social Media Optimization sites such as facebook fan page is an excellent way to increase and promote your business and implementing search engine friendly techniques proves effective in reaching to a large number of consumers through.